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I Sing. Plurk!
February 2008 |
Thursday, October 23, 2008, 19:44
Two months!
HAPPY TWO MONTHS to ME & ADIT ♥ sorry i haven't posted anything for a quite time busy with school stuffs, rrgh fuckfuckfuck! but hey, i've spent two wonderful months lately thanks to my dear Aditya Hartaji! i love you, cahhhh :) Monday, October 13, 2008, 21:00
About to Sleep
21:00it is 9 PM and i must go to bed bluurgh i promised to adit before on the phone because suddenly i had this weird pain at my right stomach errr what's wrong? blah! but i think i really need to go to sleep, i didn't have much time to sleep last night and if i sleep fast tonight, i'll be able to wake up early, around 4 AM, so i can study chemistry for the test uurgh wish me luck! :) so so so after this i'll go downstairs to have a drink than go to bed huff if that sooo, Bye! :) 18:52
Phone Call
18:52well, here i am, posting another post hahahaha i'm calling adit now, wanna say hello? :P hihihi err he asked me to call him because he has no credits hahaha he has two phone numbers and none with credits zz hahaha however, i'm helping him with the math hw hahaha i'm not that smart actually, but i'm better than him :P kidding! he passed the first math exam and i didn't blahhhh hahahahaha it's not the first time we do homework on the phone, even somehow i don't really like it bbbut it's fun hihihi i think i'll be off again soon. it's kinda hard to type, talk, and sing hahaha Bye! 16:21
After school
16:25fuaahhh, i just got home from school, no one at home blahhhh but i must to do things! i must study for my chemical test tomorrow errr i think i forget the material zz then i must continue my math and pkn hw blaaahhhhhh well, i want to copy adit's biology hw too hihihi he lent me his book this morning blablabla i just sign in for a while, i think i'll be back at night but i'm not sure either hahahaha i want to copy first and continue the pkn, i think hahaha then i'll study at night hmmnyaaahhh boooorrrrrriiiiiing but yea, i'm off! Bye! :) adit wanted to come to my house today but i didn't allow him hahahaha well, my mom's out and the house is empty i'm doing the rrrright thing, aight? Sunday, October 12, 2008, 21:31
hey, i just read one of my good friend's blog, it was adani's and her blog makes me think. her newest post, it's about love and physical contact hahaha a lot has happened to me these days and her blog is a good wake up call hahaha well relax, i'm still a virgin ;) nice blog, nii :) look, look! i just changed my blog's name! :D are kisses necessary? Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 10:37
Good Life
heeyyy everybody! nyah, finally i'm in a real good mood :) well, sorry i didn't post anything on the rest day of October 6th until now hihihi on October 6th, i thought i need a fresh air so i decided not to post anything, bbbut on October 7th, i was just too busy hahahaha did something good happen? YEA! :):):) rrgh actually on October 6th he asked me what's wrong, because i wrote at personal message at wlm about my so called disappointment at him, and told him a little and he felt sorry and i knew he was so sorry, well he told me he didn't want to be someone who i don't like and he'd try not to be that someone aww kinda sweet hahaha because i was not in the mood and i didn't want him to feel terrible so i changed the topic and told him that we'd talk about it the tomorrow so the next day i went to PIM to go for movie with my dear friends and yea, with my adit :) (let's forget about the bad things) so after we got there, we went to Sushi Groove for some Japanese food, then to XXI to but some ticket for I Know Who Killed me (it sucked rrgh), then we splitted up, girls went to Ace Hardware to search a present for my friends, guys went to Timezone for some playground hahaha but i went to Fuji to buy some credit rrgh, having a boyfriend do make me a spender hahahaha well, Adit was accompanying me went down to Fuji ihihi but fuck! the Fuji guy said that XL credits are a big zero rrrgh fuckfuckfuck then adit told me that he could text the guy at his house to send the credits for me, because i really need it, i said yes. so then here came the credit, yeeeey hahahaha then i said thank you, i'll repay you later hunn :) but he said no, he didn't want me to repay him oh goood, that's not right, because i bought a big amount one, but he insisted me, he said it's just once in a while and he'd give my money back if i repay him aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how lucky i am :) well, actually i used my credit to text and call him either nyahahahaha but btw, thanks Dit! i love you :) so then, we went to Timezone to meet up with the boys. because he wasn't playing anything so he stood beside me, then he hugged me, well, he hugged me before. but he said he's sorry for changing to be someone who hurt me aaawww, i couldn't say anything but just hugged him tighter hihihi well, i was holding my tears actually, i couldn't cry there! then he whispered to my ears i love you so much, ran then he kissed my left cheek, fast and sweet. oh God, i was speechless! rrgh tell me i am lame, but that was the first time he kissed my cheek and there were a lot of people there, i'd feel uncomfortable if somebody see us, but thanks God, no one :P well yea, like 5 minutes later i kissed him back, saying i love you so much too, diit! then he hugged me even tighter hihihi i like it, i'm his :) then we went to the movies studio, took our seat. it's a four seats, so i'm with adit, and Amal with Radit hahaha what a name sound a like hahahahah so as i sit down beside my bf, we held hands :) then i laid my head on his chest, hugging him and he started to play with my hair and rubbing my cheek, oh what the usual adit i love :) i hugged him so tight like i'll never let him go, and i tickled him for a while hihihi i like the way he played with my hair, soft and tender hahahaha i'm blushing noww hihihi then suddenly he moved my hand, from around his waist to around his neck hihihi i didn't mind it, because that way i could play with his hair :) then he continued rubbing my cheek, but suddenly his hand moved to the center, he played with my lip! OMFG, my mind became really racy that time! because if i looked to his face, it's only 5 centi meters away! oh no, did he want to kiss me? nyahhh, his fingers stayed quite long there, and i knew, he was looking at me, and well, i could feel his heartbeat that time, pounding fast. rrgh i didn't what to do, well actually i wanted to kiss him nyahh, but wasn't it too fast? he kissed my cheek for the very first time, then a real kiss? oh am i so lame? old-schooled? nyahhhh i almost turned my face to him, but suddenly remembered what my friend has told me once, don't give him all out, and i was like, hold yourself raan, hold yourself! nyahnyahnyah and then his fingers moved backward to my cheek huff i felt relieved and kinda regret it hihihi but i didn't want make it like a kiss & make up, remember? i was mad at him, soooo i did a good move, right? then, until the movie ended, i stayed on hugging him, well more like clinging on him hahaha and he stayed on holding my hands :) so after the movies, some of my friends went home or karaoke at Poins Square and i went home too so did Adit. When i talked to my mom inside the car, i smelled something from nowhere that i knew but my mind was working slow nyahhh then when i was home, when i was about to change my clothes, i was kinda shocked? hahaha the smell that i smelled is adit's! oh my oh my, how could it be? hahahaha his smell was on my t-shirt's left sleeve but nothing on the right one hahahha was it maybe because we hugged too much? rrgh i don't know hahaha later i called him and told him about it and he laughed hahahaha but then he told me that he got my smell too on his t-shirt's right sleeve hahahaha silly? uh huh :P and yea, i ended the day with another sweet phone call hihihi finally :) actually i didn't really talk about it with him because i just couldn't rrgh i was just too afraid to break down in front of him! i know how bad i can be if i have my break down time and i didn't want him to see it rrgh well, i don't regret it either not to talk about it, because it's not his fault only. somehow i think that yea, i was just sooooo selfish! it was lebaran time, and lots of people went to his house so he got busy and i just couldn't understand him that time rrgh i hate it zz well, the good thing is we're fine now and i love it :) Monday, October 6, 2008, 03:29
Still Awake
03:29okay, i am still here rrrgh but i feel a lot better :) thank you for my sweet tikha who hears my fuckious thought for the first time, i love you girl, but hey, don't go offline just like that hahaha and then thanks for funny emil who suddenly became my student hahahaha he surely put laughs on my face hihihi i'll teach you again, ttyl aight? hahahaha and last but not least, my extra dear ilham :) thank you for always be there for me since more than three years ago, you are my original mood charger :) sorry that i stole your bed time just to hear my bad feeling hehehe :D hoammm, i am getting tired and in the mood for bed, finally! hahahaha i really need to jump to my bed now before i completely lost my sleepiness hahahaha bye :) finally, i sleep with a little smile on my face :') 01:07
Fail to Sleep
01:06 aaaaaaarrrgh i just can't go to sleep! my mind is still too racy rrrgh fuck it! i need something to make me go to bed, ASAP! blahblahblah i don't wanna lose him :( yea, i say it, i just can't.. oh meen, what's wrong with meeee?? is this have something to do with his dream and Maroon 5 - Nothing Last Forever? godgodgod, please no :( surely, he's not that nice, no way a person can be so perfect. have i mention that he's changed? i hate our phone calls lately, dit :| they are all disappointing and hurting.. there are three phone calls i think, and the last one, completely breaks my heart.. i know you were sleepy and tired, but that was not how we used to end our conversation, no sweet dream blablabla, no i love you, no the usual you :( so sorry, if i'm questioning where are we now, because just in a snap of fingers, you've changed. God tell me, am i dreaming? It's you who promised me not be a disappointment but tonight, you're a big one :'( Labels: Life 01:02
uurrgh what's wrong with me? it's 01:02 in the morning and my eyes are still too swollen so it hurts rrgh :( Oh gosshhhh, i don't know why i wrote that thingy before.. too much pain? rrgh i don't know! well, my love life isn't that nice actually right now, kinda bumpy i know! but that.. it was just too much, or it's not? aaargh i really need to go to sleep huff he disappointed me.. in some ways hmmnyahnyahnyah but i know i disappoint him too..maaf dit, tapi aku main kaca lagi. aku ga tahan, capek :( Labels: Life Sunday, October 5, 2008, 22:04
DISAPPOINTED? do you know, it does hurts you're changing, i know it you can say you are not, but i'm the one who feels it i said i'm okay, but you don't even can tell the difference in my voice can you hear it, it's trembling my tears, yea right there, they're showing those beautiful drops bursting down my cheeks don't blame me, but i'm questioning it do we still share the same thing, the same feeling? sorry that i start to doubting you but i can find your love nowhere, i'm not numb, am i? pardon me for my sensitiveness, but actually you know it right somehow you don't feel the same anymore whom to blame? thank you for stop saying i love you :| Saturday, October 4, 2008, 21:17
Life Lately
HAPPY LEBARAN EVERYBODDDDYYYYY! :) i know it's 3 days late, but who cares? better late than never, aight? hahahaha well, actually i'm not in the mood rrrgh but let me cheer myself a lil bit by sharing the love of lebaran hihihi oooo i'm so into the veronicas right nooowww! i know it's kinda late, because their latest album out in 2007 nyahahaha but hey, they really got the hip powerpop that make me can't stop to dance! oh what a mood charger ;) the veronicas is actually a band from oz that consist of two girls, twins actually, Jessica and Lisa Origlaso. they look exactyly the same, as expected from identical twins, but Jessica is taller and skinnier while Lisa is a lil bit shorter and slim, i like Lisa more :) well Jessica is too skinny for me actually, everytime she sings, her cheek bones pop out hahaha but hey, she plays guitar! cool huh? oh God, yall must watch their This Love vidclip! the lyrics itself is sooo beautiful, but the vidclip is uh-maze-ing! seriously! i think both of them starred themselves with their boyfriend, uurgh romantic! and btw, Lisa's boyfriend is hot! :P well, enough with the happy thingy and the veronicas, it's my time nnnowww! rrrgh like i told you before, i'm not in the mood rrrgh my period is coming, so the PMS thingy is really biting my mood and yea, i have the mood swings too blah :( aaaaaaaaargggghhhh i miss my adiiiit, my boyfriend :( well, it's been twelve days since the last time we met each other and four days since the last time we had our real phone calls hmmmmmmm i do need a time machine or teleport machine rrright now! i'm not lying, i miss him a lot! but actually, the PMS and mood swing just make the condition even worse rrrgh there were a little time for me to talk with him in MSN and he was soooo sweet and nice like usual, but my condition somehow disappoint him.. oh, what a disappointment i am :( what i really hate about this is i look soooo selfish and i do feel like that hmmmm can someone kill me just for a second? because in the end, it is him who feels in the wrong and that's not right! well, a lil bit actually.. he can't call me or text me because he gets no pulsa right now, i have it but i don't know if it's okay to call him in some times, i'm afraid he is busy. bbbut, today i tried to call him twice and none of it got answered! well i thought he's busy, so that's fine. but he was online later, and he told me that his phone was in silent mode and left inside his room. nyyyaaaaah, i was kinda pissed of, HAH! see, that selfish side of me must be proud rrrgh i shouldn't be mad at him, because he explained it and i know actually that there's no way he didn't answer my phone purposely, he is too kind to do that, i know he misses me too (can you see how lucky i am to have him and how bitchy i am to treat him like that?) now, because he'll laugh and yes, i love his laughter! it does gives me smile on my face :) or maybe let him play 'catch me if you can' using our hands oh God, this guilty feeling is really biting me rrrgh i'm the bad one, he's the good one. i'm the devil, he's the angel aaaaaaargh can someone send me to him directly right now? i miss him, but what i did was something bad :( i just want to hug him for a very long period hmmmmm i do miss his touch :( i love it when his hands are on my head, rubbing my hair softly rrrrrgh i do want him now with me! can't forget how ticklish it is when he's rubbing my cheek, he told me because he's using his feeling (in other way it means 'i love you' :)) i want to tickle him rrrighthihihi it's just a silly thing we're used to play together :) so the game is like he'll hold my hand but than i'll pull my hand back, and he'll put his sad face on so i'll give my hand back but when he wants to hold it, i'll pull it back, again hahahaha well, we'll do it for a couple of time until he gets sick of it and hugs me, saying whatever, but i got you :) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh i feel it right there, when he hugs me, i feel his heartbeat, somehow like telling me that i'll be fine with him. there, in his arms, i know i am safe, i am loved :) you can see it right now, can't you? why i'm soooo in love with him :) hmmmnyahhh, at least i want to hear his voice on the phone, his i-miss-you-too voice is something i need now and not to forget his very laughable laughter hihihi i'm so in love with the complete package oh him :) don't you know, once, i had an 8-hour-phone-call with him! crazy? yeaa, but i like it hmm nah, i lovvvveeeee it! and i'd love to have it once more :( on the phone we talk about everything, about jokes, family, even about my or his or our problems. thanks God, You send me a very understanding lover :) but mostly we talk about how much we love/miss each other, his fourteen cats and kittens, my stuffed animals, our dislikes in house lizards (mine) and cockroach (his) hahahah we even make alter egos of both of us. first one is Meng-Sapi1/Sapi2 hahahaha it's because he calls his cats with Meng, not meong or puss hahahaha weird? absolutely! the first time i know it, i laugh my butt out hahahaha i still laugh about it right now, but i'm used to it. it's kinda cute actually hihihi and why Sapi1/Sapi2? because i sleep with two stuffed cows hahahaha and the other alter ego is Adit Kecil & Ranti Kecil hihihi we pretend to be us in smaller and younger version, his version is kinda the same, but my little me is sooooo flirtatious with Adit Gede hahaha well, that's how we call ourselves, Adit Gede & Ranti Gede hahahaha kinda silly, i know! but who cares? we love it! :) ooooooohhh, i'm getting tired writing these things here but nothing has changed, i still miss him way sooooooooo much! there are a lot other great things about him, but i don't want to share it hahahaha i don't want to envy you hihihi :P well, i can give you a little! i like the way he hold my hand so tight until i can't move, in every time i'm about to do bad thing or going to leave. by that, i know he doesn't want me to get hurt, he'll be there to take care of me :) why i'm sure about this? haven't i told you that he doesn't smoke? amazing! he even can't drink soda, so he's not a drinker, i'm so sure about that! well, i'm not a smoker either, but i drink actually hihihi so i need someone who can take care of me, someone who able to remind me, to tell me to stop, even someone who will get angry at me if i cross the line because he know it is getting too far. and i believe he can be that somebody :) aaah, see! i keep on sharing story about him, but that's fine actually, because i will not share him with anybody else, never! huaaaaahmmm, i'm starting to feel sleepy either, i think i do really need to sign off from this post. oh God, when i go to sleep, will you send me to the world of dream where i can meet my adit there? i really do need to meet him, ASAP! rrrgh oo GodGodGod! i'm about to lose my mind, i have to go now! Bye! :) |