I am not the only one

Rianti Dwiastuti.
16 years old.
Taken and in love.



new lenses : FISHEYE! Zoom! Wideangle! Micro! :)
new phone : T-Mobile G1 :D
new iPod : iPod Classic 120GB
new camera : Polaroid! Complete Package! Glow!


Polyvore Me!


I Sing.




Adani Nurimanina Kusmayadi
Adri Andika Kumara
Alyssa Adya
Anizabella Lesmana
Deandra Armyni Hasan
Dyah Ayu Asmarani
Ghina Adiyarianni
Icha Anissa
Ilham Putra
Jeje Aranda
Kartika Diva Asriani Suradi
Nadya Eldhindra
Najwa Assilmi
Nizma Samara Arifin
Ramanda Andrian
Syazka Kirani Narindra
Tania Ferbrianti Winanto
Thalita Nafitia Hiramsyah
Vienda Fadillah Fahmy
Wintriana Januarti


February 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009, 18:26

okay, can you remind me when was my last post? hah sorry, just way too busy! grrrrrrrrr my friends complained about it hahahah well, he's not complaining, but he's kinda ask why. sooooooo i just wanna say hi actually -_- i have like a thousand things to be told, but i have a second only to write. fuck!

all i can say is, i am a scandal now. my teacher complains by making a fake information.oh what a loser teacher! and i had a lil misunderstanding with my bests, but we're cool now. i fought with adit a few days ago, we almost broke up. but at that time, he was so emotional, he cried and banged his head and elbow to the wall. i was so scared. at that time i could see how much i am needed by someone that i love. so that washed all the anger, and i forgave him, and we're so cool now! ah, i love you dit! :) oh yeah, there's something soooo important!

wish you a lovely year, dear boy friend!

his birthday is on Tuesday, 17th February 2009. he's 16 nowwwwwwwww :D why i am so excited?? becaussse he likes the gifts i gave to him hihihi i gave him a wallet, a yellow clock, a paint of the cartoon version of me, and an artwork about sixteen reasons why i love him :) ahhh thanks God he likes it! buttttttt, i am sooooooo sad now because adit's kitten died yesterday, she was born in December! can you imagine how young she is and how cute she is now! my thought is with adit now :') why i am so sad about this, because i am the one who named that kitten and it was Bolu :) why? because she was so big like a bola and had a lot bulu. that's why i named her bola bulu! :D annnndddd the last story issssssssssssssssssss i will have a date this Sat! hahahaha okay, not a date, just a hang out with adit :) he promises me a full day treat! woohooooooooooooooooooo! i feel uncomfortable a bit about it, but he told me that if i do not agree with him, he'll be sad :( soooo, let's go! hahahah i want to wear something different, not a dress, not heels! ah i want to wear heels, but he told me don't! soooo a sweater and jeans and nike. simple, but i rarely use sweater for a hang out!

waaa time's up! time for dinner! haven't made the table yet, oops! better hurry before my mom gets angry! grrr soooo byebye :)