I am not the only one
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![]() Rianti Dwiastuti.
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new lenses : FISHEYE! Zoom! Wideangle! Micro! :)
I Sing. Plurk!
February 2008 |
Sunday, September 7, 2008, 15:57
Late Night
haaaaaaaaaaaaaay everybody! once again, i'm way sooooo over the moon baby! whywhywhy? hmmm i had this sweet phone call with my darl hihihi :) how long? three hours! yeaa for real! hahaha start at around 00:00 until 03:00 woohoo what a record nyahahaha because all i know is he easily feels sleepy, but last night he said he's still doing fine hahahaha well, we talked about everrrrything, nah not that everything but at least we talked about so many things nyahahahaha hmmmmmmm oh gosh, i miss his voice already! aaaaargh like thousand times he told me that he missed me and surely i felt the same way for himmm unyunyunyu aaaannnd, for the first time he said aku sayang kamu aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he has written it like everyday in his texts but i've never heard he said those three words before! my God, my heart pounded sososooooo fast uuurgh i love you too, diiiit! muchmuchmuch awaw hihi :)and rrrrright now, i'm dying once more ngahahaha kid! but yea, i feel so terrible right now because i really need to hear his voice hmmmmmm i can just call him, but nahhh i'm so fucked up with phone calls, i want him rrright beside me nownownow! supppeeerrrr ASAP hahhhhh thank God tomorrow is school day, yea fuck with the school thingy, but at least i can meet him, rrright? hunyuuuuu i miss his touch aaaaaa the way he rubs my hair, my chicks, my hand aaaaaaa i miss it soooo bad! i wish i can hug him right now, right here! and ow yea, i wanna play his chicks! hihihi he has this kinda weird chicks, it's sooo flabby ngahahaha that's why i call him jelly chicks hihihi aaaaa i miss him completely, nothing not to be missed from him! and yea, i wanna tickle him hahaha he is sooooo ticklish, like at every part of his body hahaha his waist, his back, his neck, and even his palms! hahahaha but heeeey, that's how i love him :) goshgoshgosh i need to get out of here fast, or i'll write nothing but crappy swearing hahahha i miss him 100% uuurrrrgh i hate how this missing feeling biting my mind urrrrgh well, at least i'm texting him right now hihihi way not so satisfied, but hey, at least i can still chit-chat with him, rrright? so that's ittt, i'll be too busy texting him again hahahahaha bye! :) Labels: Life Saturday, September 6, 2008, 09:34
Love is in the Air
whoaa it's an early day in September and i have things in my thoughts huff so tiring :( but fuck it up, yeaaaah haahahha i've been fasting for about six days and somewhat i'm doing fine. errr so here's the thing, yesterday i got my first mood swings since so long time ago and i handled it way so bad aaaaargh fuckfuckfuck i cried, yea i cried like two or three times or maybe more than that aaargh! why? i don't really know exactly, but i think i know. well this suddenly changing in my relationship status somehow is the trigger. whywhywhy oh why God? hmm i can't truly explain it, but i'm pretty sure that's the itsy bitsy thingy.bbbbbut! suddenly, my superguy save me out of the blue yeaaaa! oh God, i'm soooo in love with my hubby baby hihihi :) he called me around ten and yea, with just a snap of fingers my mood is up up and away again yaaaay! just to hear his calming voice made me feel sooooo chill out hahahaha well, we talked about things, several not-so-important things but i was glad that that small things could change my mood hehehe but eng ing eng, suddenly he felt sleepy ngahahaha so i said "go ahead, have some sleep" but then he saiiiiid "nah, later on. i still miss you.." wohhh no doubt, i flew to the seventh sky wusssshhh awwwww goshgoshgosh glad he's mine! aaaaargh i miss him now! okay, back to the thingy, after that we still chit-chatted for a while than he went to sleep for real. but it's oh so him to still send me texts saying goodnight and else, whatever it was, i loved it hahahahaha OMG, is there someone else better for me than him? i doubt it now hihihi and tooooooooooooooooooday, i'm dying! well, i just hyperbolized it, but yeaaa i'm dying to meet him ASAP, well maybe just his voice that i can listen to is okay, but i want himmmm now beside me :( oh please dear, God! hufff well, at least there's a good thing, he misses me too! hihihi i'm no a psychic, he just told me in his texts :D oh God, i wish i can meet him nowww! oh i'm so in the need of teleport machine uuuuu fuckfuckfuck! hmm sorry guys, but i want to get out of this blog now hahahah i'll be too busy texting adit hihihi bye! :) Labels: Life |