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I Sing. Plurk!
February 2008 |
Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 17:29
whoaaa sorry that i didn't update my blog for a while, it's been busy days for me lately hahaha it was like almost a week ago since my last post right? there's a lot things that have been going uurgh same old story actually, but x_x hahahahaso, on saturday till sunday i went out to Bandung, so i thought couldn't use the internet in my hotel room then i didn't bring my notebook. but, at the lobby hotel there, there's this sorta bulletin board that's read "free wireless internet in your hotel room" and i was like, "whoaaa fuck you! aaaargh fuckfuckfuck!" hahahahaha it's sorta dying situation for me! hahahaha i'm the type of girl than can't leave without internet, it makes me feel itchy hahahaha well then, because i came early i couldn't get my hotel room, so my mom and i chose to stay at the lobby while my dad was meeting some client there. at the lobby, i was kinda crummy hahahahahaha i sat on a sofa with my feet up and eating fried banana hahahahaha it's sorta embarrassing, but fuck it up! hahahaha i said to my mom that i was having a classy picnic, you know, picnic at a hotel lobby hahahaha then, there are these two cheesy chinese laughed at me and pointed their finger on me zz they both looked like cheap bitch! not because they were mocking at me, but because the way the dressed! ha, you must see it uurgh well, enough with people-talking! hahaha then my mom and i got bored, so we chose to went out (read : shopping time! my shopping time yaay) we went to several distros, you know it's like a "boutique" for teenagers hahahaha i went to like 4-6 distros and i bought one t-shirt, one hoodie, and one hat. but the shopping didn't stop there! the next day i went to distro house, it's like a factory outlet that sold things from many distros. there i bought another three t-shirts hahahaha red, green, and dusty white colors hahahaha well that's it, the most interesting thing in Bandung is always about the shopping, so that's it. hahahahah maybe the way i shared is lame, because i am more excited to share my Anyer story yeaaaaaa hahahahahaha but i need to write it in a different post, i promise i'll write it hehehe i have to write it in a different post because it'll be very long! hahaha well, Bye! Labels: Vacation Thursday, June 12, 2008, 19:16
whoaaaa my PC is back! yeaaa i'm so grateful! hahaha well, i'm sorry i didn't post anything yesterday. it was a bussssyyyyyyyy day! lots of things to do blablabla zz not an interesting story to tell, you know, another lameness zz well well well i have nothing to talk either right now hahaha i'm way too happy because my PC is back hahaha it's old and living, i can't be so thankful for this! hahaha how old is this PC? zz i can't even remember it zz for real, it must be more than 7 years old bahahaha i need a new new new one! how about iMac! yeaaa uu daddy, can i have one? hahahaha but i don't think so, since this one is newly repaired, so for a new thing will take a looooong time zz but i'm okay with old thingy, i'm a master in control old gadget hahahaha for real! my notebook is waaaaay much older than this! hahahaha no, kidding! but my NEC notebook is kinda pathetic hahaha at the first place, it was my dad for two or three years. than my sister would go to study abroad, so he gave it to her and he bought himself a Vaio, the mini one uuu, but like almost a year later the notebook broke so it's sent back to Jakarta to be repaired and my sistah got a new macBook aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh (a big envy! but it was called iBook back then, if i'm not mistaken) when the NEC was done repaired, my mom used it for another year. around last year, my dad bought a new notebook (again!) a Fujitsu Lifebook (another big envy aaaaaaa) so my dad gave the mini Vaio to my mom and i got the NEC blaaaaaaaaaah zz well, enough for the notebook history, it's a big lameness right? hahahaha i had and have several used gadget, but i don't really mind actually. because it was my dad's, so everything are still in a great condition! :D well let me list the used thingy :
so so so there's this thing! i wrote all of that above using my PC, but then suddenly IT'S DEAD! YEA IT'S FREAKING CRAZY DEAD! AAAAAAAARGH NO WAAAAY GOD, I FEEL LIKE A DAMNED BITCH! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE REPAIR-MAN AAAA so now i write this using my notebook again zz thanks to blogger.com who got some cool thing called "save now" hahahaha all of the writing above are saved! yeaaaaaa so let me write more! but let me move to another post, well maybe i'll post it tomorrow hahahaha i'm sorry! bbbbut, this blog post reminds me of my bitchy PC and that pissed me off hahahaha Bye! Labels: Life Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 15:33
Hey! I am super booooooooring right now! i don't have any thought in mind now, so i'll write nonsense here bahahahaha i haven't done anything worthy since prom night. i did nothing but slept late and woke up late hahahahaha craving things and going online uurgh for the first day, it's fun! but now it's way too lame uurgh give me something to do please! actually i really want to 'hang out' with my camera, but i don't have a great object but me zz lame number 1 hahahaha so now i'm in a flat mood with a lame day uuuuuurgh give me some thingy to do please! i'd loooooooooooooooooove to play games! i'd love to play the sims! but fuck, my PC was broken and it's being repaired now uurgh i'm online with my notebook now, for your information. i'm done with listening to music again and again uurgh lame number 2 baaaaaah i feel like i am powerless zz well i feel like about to talk about something now, someone actually hahahahaha but i don't think it's polite to talk about someone online, without his knowing hahahaha but hey, i really want to share all of the great things about him, so it's not a crime rrrrrright? hahahaha well, i want to talk about people actually, i love people! but i'm not a people person, though hahahaha i have great friends that i'd love to share here hmmmmm so who's first? aaaa i can't pick! but i want to talk, talk, talk! oops, not talk, but write! hahahaha waaaaaa who's first? who wants to go first? hmm how about.. myself! hahahahaha nonono kidding hahahaha i'm a lame girl with cool things in mind hahahahaha see i'm way too lame! aaa i start to crap-writing! i need to get out of this, ASAP! but i want to write and write and write about people! i have these three options in mind, six great girls who always lighten up my days, one super kind boy who understands me better than i do hahaha, and this guy that's so adorable! hmm love is always the hottest topic hahahaha aaaa i still can't pick one zz stupid, extra stupid! but the stupidest thing is.. i'm pretending like all of the world is reading my blog! but the truth is.. NONE hahaha whatever! well, how about girl talk? okay? but i need to get out of this thing first, i need to rest myself a while to lessen my crap-writing hahaha Bye :D Labels: Lame Sunday, June 8, 2008, 10:51
Going Wild
heeeey! it's been a real long, long time ago since the last time i updated this thing! hahahaha i'm sorry, i'm in my senior year in junior high, so there's a lot things to do that needed much preparation. well, so all of the exam was done, and you know what? last night i did the prom night! YAAAY :D for real, the prom night wasn't so wow for me hahahaha because it filled with sad things, you know, about saying sorry, leaving, and blablabla and yeah, i hate that! why? there's this boy i love waaaaaaaay to much (i know it's bad, but i love him :|) and he'll continue high school in a different school with me uurgh disaster? yea! but i'm okay now. not that okay, but i'm better than the first time i heard and proved it with my own eyes that he'll be leaving. uurgh, i won't discuss it here, and never! but you know what? to attend that prom, we should come in couples, you know the boy asked the girl hahahaha and yea, he asked me to the prom! :D but in a friendly way, i didn't expect more. i love him, he doesn't love me. i understand, so whatever! to come in to the prom venue, i had to walk down the red carpet with him hahahahahaha did some photographs with him and that's it, done hahaha when i searched for seat with my friend, he followed me but fuck, thn one of his friend called him, so he sit beside him huu then the story went on the night with my eyes on him, everytime i could find him in the darkness hahahaha (it's an outdoor prom night, so we're using dim lighting) have i told you he looked sooo handsome! well, actually whatever he wears, that's how he'll looks like, hot! --, so the conclusion is, he is good looking :) last night, he was my date. and two days ago was his birthday. well, as someone who's in love with him (bwek), as his date, and yea as his friend who knows his birthday, i chose to give him a birthday present :D i don't know if he likes it or not, if he wants to give it to someone else, i don't mind hahahaha BUT YOU HAVE TO SEE HIS SMILE WHEN I GAVE HIM THE PRESENT! WAHAHAHAHAHA i tried to keep my cool, but actually i could die that time! he's smiling when he said thank you! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that smile, YES THAT SMILE! that smile, that i can't resist, i will never can :( and that's it. the prom stopped there. yea, only the prom. but the real party was about to begin! yea! later on, like most of us went to a mini club, having private after prom party! hahahaha my body couldn't resist the music, i danced all night long hahahahaha some of my friends said i was soo wild, but what the fuck! i don't care! there were these things in my mind, and it's time to be free! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but fuck, he's a shy guy. he went to the dance floor, but didn't dance uurgh i saw him looking at me hahahah i didn't know what's inside his mind hahahaha but maybe i was too wild that night. hahaha no alcohol, but still wild hahahaha somehow i regret not to ask him dance hahahaha but hey, last night was about releasing all of the pressure, right? do last night was about dancing all night long hahahaha and the party ended at 2 am wahahahaha ah that's it, actually the fun was far more than this, but i'm tired now hahahah sorry! contact me to know the details, k? hahaha bye Labels: Prom Night |