I am not the only one

Rianti Dwiastuti.
16 years old.
Taken and in love.



new lenses : FISHEYE! Zoom! Wideangle! Micro! :)
new phone : T-Mobile G1 :D
new iPod : iPod Classic 120GB
new camera : Polaroid! Complete Package! Glow!


Polyvore Me!


I Sing.




Adani Nurimanina Kusmayadi
Adri Andika Kumara
Alyssa Adya
Anizabella Lesmana
Deandra Armyni Hasan
Dyah Ayu Asmarani
Ghina Adiyarianni
Icha Anissa
Ilham Putra
Jeje Aranda
Kartika Diva Asriani Suradi
Nadya Eldhindra
Najwa Assilmi
Nizma Samara Arifin
Ramanda Andrian
Syazka Kirani Narindra
Tania Ferbrianti Winanto
Thalita Nafitia Hiramsyah
Vienda Fadillah Fahmy
Wintriana Januarti


February 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009, 18:22

every time i say i miss you
my heart pounds so fast that it hurts
you say you miss me too, but i don't know
i'm not sure
you said you'd be there, and i waited
you'd never come
i was lied
and no, i don't care
just don't want to lose you, because i'm adoring another
but you give me no easy way to do it
boy, i love you
i just wish you feel the same way
sad to say that i am crying now
it's been a long time ago since i cried while i'm writing
don't you know i'm dying to see you tonight?
you didn't show up, and i thought something bad happened
but hey, that's not it, you ended up in your guy's crib
are you fingers broken, so that you can't text me?
are you deaf, so you can't call me?
i always give my attention to the wrong person

do i want you outta my life?
do i need it?
i need a hug, because i'm too vulnerable
i don't wanna betray you, but please help me
no words can describe it better than
you disappoint me

Friday, March 13, 2009, 22:24

lalalala sunday is the day! yea, the day that my dearest rinda will turn 16! HA finally, i'm not the only one who is 16 hahahahah ;) i asked her what does she want for birthday, she said boyfriend ... just forget it, i can't turn myself to be a boy lalalala i should be sleeping now, still sick -_- i got this illness, called flu -_____________- i bet y'all know it good :( can't breathe now rrrr i hate it! had been dizy since tuesday till early this morning lalalala gosh, i just made a controversial plurk! waw and now syazka is bombarding me with question hmmmmmmmm is it that controversial? don't think soo lalalala tomorrow is still al-izhar olympic. what's that? a school festival, you know, that kind of thing -______- should do workshop tomorrow, but my MPK boss (ka dira) asked me to go to sawangan to do the ticketing HA that sounds a lot better! well, since adit will be there too ;) but i'm bored with school, i'm fucked up to be exact! grrrr lalalala i'm dead. i don't know what to say. my heart is a bitch now. i think if adit calls will be better, but i guess he's asleep now. hmmm i need someone. well, syazka is here hahaha but i need someone in the same room with me now ASAP! girls only, except ilham blahblahblah

i thought i'll never do it again
i thought you'll be enough for me
i love you, you love me
i adore him