I am not the only one

Rianti Dwiastuti.
16 years old.
Taken and in love.



new lenses : FISHEYE! Zoom! Wideangle! Micro! :)
new phone : T-Mobile G1 :D
new iPod : iPod Classic 120GB
new camera : Polaroid! Complete Package! Glow!


Polyvore Me!


I Sing.




Adani Nurimanina Kusmayadi
Adri Andika Kumara
Alyssa Adya
Anizabella Lesmana
Deandra Armyni Hasan
Dyah Ayu Asmarani
Ghina Adiyarianni
Icha Anissa
Ilham Putra
Jeje Aranda
Kartika Diva Asriani Suradi
Nadya Eldhindra
Najwa Assilmi
Nizma Samara Arifin
Ramanda Andrian
Syazka Kirani Narindra
Tania Ferbrianti Winanto
Thalita Nafitia Hiramsyah
Vienda Fadillah Fahmy
Wintriana Januarti


February 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009, 22:23

okay, long time no post! ha. no actually, there was that post. nah, won't spill ;) hey, i just got my hair cut last monday, wanna see??

the bangs are too short, right?
i know, kinda dislike it, but hey! it's cool ;)

okay first, i just got a bad news. my bestfriends grandma has just passed away. wish hers soul is beside Him and heaven is the final place for her. Amen. My thoughts are with Amal's family. Be strong, Mal! :)

i just went home from PIM, just some hang out with adit hahahaha it was unplanned, i wanted to go there, to search for his birthday present and suddenly he told me that he was going to PIM, to drop her mom near PIM. ha. what a coincidence! :P so we didn't watch movie, we just hung-out. and you know what?? once, i told him that i want a necklace that is sold in Pompous, and today he bought me that necklace! damn! well, we shared. but he paid like 75% of it! damn! damn! damn! i've told him not to, but he insisted. wanna see? wanna see? it is kawaiiiiii! :D l.o.v.e. you, dit! :)

ha. that's the necklace, a lime green duck!
super kawaiiiiii :)
sorry if it is too hard to see, it is fluorescent and kinda transparent

oyea, before i went to PIM. i went to dharmawangsa square first. there i found this cutie ducky toothbrush holder, and i bought it! yea!

ha. cute, right?
sorry if the photo is kinda nasty hahaha

wawawa okay, now my head is empty. need to refill it! adit is calling, so ciao! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 18:21

we are nowhere

we are who we are

and who are we?

are we still the same?

are we still together?

do we love each other?

then what were we doing?

what did happen to us?

why do we keep on losing our control?

why do we keep on doing that thing again?

we say we love each other

but why are we still destroying each other?

we are young and restless
that's what people say
we are unstoppable and full of passion
that's what they say
we are so in love and crazy about each other
that's what we say
we are crossing the line
that is who we are

Thursday, January 1, 2009, 22:53

latelatelate. i promised my bf not to stay awake more than 00:00, so it is around an hour from now. well, happy 2009 everyone. ha, i don't make a big deal. like, so what? so my friends, spent the new year's eve at barcode, partying and blablabla. well, some part of me want to do it, but the other don't. why? i am not into the wilderness now. while they were partying, i spent the night with just a phone call with adit, same old phone call. nothing special, in fact, we had this small fight, and we ended crying together.

ha. am i tired? yes, i am. will i give up? maybe. how about my dream with him? still in the process. so, will i try my best? i think. he will be okay if he reads this? no. then why do i write this? because i want to. don't be selfish, girl. can't, i am myself selfish. i am mean. i am. he loves me. i do love him too. but i'm sounded not so in love. because i am not that in love right now. why? because i am tired. what? yes, i'm tired. no way. so what? is it okay if he finds out? he knows it already, i've told him a thousand times. i know, but to write it down here is not appropriate. so, what i must do? get myself together and hold everything together. how about my tiredness? i will be get over it. fine. so? what? how am i now? miserable. okay, but i will keep on trying, right? okay, if that's what i want. no, can't be that way. so? do i still want to be with him? fine, yes. why? because he is him. not explaining much. grr. i am you, explain it to yourself, myself. because only when i am with him, i feel useful. why? because when i was thinking to leave him, he told me everything. about what? who am i for him. his girlfriend, right? well, the reason why he wants me, he needs me. and that is? i am his strength. wow. yes. he told me that? yes. wow. i am the person who fills his days, who makes him wants to spend the day. are you sure? quite enough, well, yes. well then, it is a good reason to stick with him. yes, i know. i'll stick with him right? yes. just because of that reasons? maybe. then what happen if the used of i change, will i still stay? err, i will. i seem not so sure, why? nothing, i will stay. why? because however, i need him. for what? to be someone that will hold myself together when my vulnerablelity and my insecurity strike. do i trust him that much? yes. am i sure? not that much actually, but i must trust him. for what reason? still, he is my boyfriend. so status is everything? no. so? as long status can be the base, the reason why i must stay him, i think 'he is my boyfriend' can be the reason. why? he chose me, and still chooses me, and it means that he loves me, it is not a sin to "love the person who loves you". do i really think he loves me? no. so why? i feel it. aww. i win :)

maybe i'll be doing this lil stupid thing
for times. ha.

stranger by the day

the more i drown myself into my world
the more i get lost in the reality

and i am the stranger now.